Soul strategy sessions

A bespoke intensive single-session using a fusion of channeled readings, coaching, mindset, strategy, human design, shamanic healing & activations to help you create your business from your higher self. So that you can elevate your brand, magnetise more sales, opportunities & flow.

I know that you want to grow your business aligned with your own strategies and amplified by your inner magnetism.


You have got this far by following your mentors guidance, putting your head down and doing the work.


But deep down you wonder why implementing these same strategies is not working for you as it is for them? You wonder what makes them so magnetic?

You are here to shed the cookie cutter strategy that has got you this far, to reconnect with your higher self, your true self so that you can create a business of alignment and…

  • Create and refine offers and/or products that are true to you and sell easefully.

  • Price your services that are in alignment with your higher self, not the version of you two years ago. You have evolved, so will your business, experience and prices. If these are out of alignment energetically, your future clients will feel this.  

  • Tap into your personal branding power and create a magnetic brand

  • Step into a deeper level of authenticity and being so comfortable expressing who you really are.

  • Creating magnetic content and attracted your soul clients.

  • Trust that you will be able to hold the energetics from the leap to 6-7 figures, or whatever your next step is.

You want to be able to keep moving through timelines, to have a shamanic and psychic business coach illuminate your blind spots and the glass ceiling that is that keeping you smaller than you came here to be. You can feel them and you can feel that you are ready to break through. You just can’t see, so that you can alchemise them.

I understand what it feels like to have got stuck in my own success, to realise that I have put myself in my own box, to fear shaking things up in case I lose the foundation of income and client’s that I have built. Scared to take the leap into my future self and to not quite trust my own decisions.

My clients have been in this position too, which is why they were drawn to my way unique and transformative way of working. Like my client Rachel, who took a journey to meet her highest self, we channelled her new colours, branding and product suite through and aligned her energy to her highest self. The following month she leapt from a year of steady $40k months to an $80k.

The problem is, that when you are not aligned to the energy of your soul, or dharma, your business growth will slow down, you might have been relying on strategy and not looking at your energy. It is a dance between the two, you need a holistic way of growing your business. When this is out of balance, your business can feel hard, you can wobble and wonder if you can keep holding it all


You shouldn't have to abandon your souls purpose, to grow the business that you have been called to, just because of an energy imbalance. They don’t teach you this at business school, the 7 figure coach that you are following might be doing this work unconsciously. Maybe it’s time to work with a shamanic business coach, who can master strategy and energetics aligned to YOU.


Growing a business aligned to your dharma will challenge you, but it should also sustain you, energetically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. You shouldn't have to sacrifice any one of those. 

Because I work in such a unique and bespoke way, I cannot categorically declare what we will be doing, as the session will be bespoke for you, your uniqueness, you're creations and the desire or problem that you would like to work on.  What I can do is declare that we will work holistically, we will work in the known, the 3D, the unknown the 5D, blend ancient and modern techniques, combining shamanic journeys and intuitive coaching.


Here are some of the possibilities:

💎Channel through your brand colours, so that your business is a reflection of who you are and where you are moving. Your brand is expansive, not a past version of you.


💎Refine and align your messaging so that you are visible once more to your new next level soul clients.


💎Discover any pivots, letting go, or leaps that the universe is placing in front of you.


💎Take a shamanic journey to connect in and activate with a shamanic initiation bespoke to your future self. This is where quantum leaps are born. 


💎Heal some ancestral conditioning, that is limiting you, or have a soul retrieval to bring some of your power back. You can learn more about soul retrieval >>>HERE<<<


💎Bring through a new offer, or let go of offers that aren't aligned, or restructure your product suite, so that you can serve your clients with more ease, and make more money, more sustainably.


💎Take a deep dive into our human design, to discover quickly, where you are out of alignment, and how to correct this easily, quickly and effectively.


WE WILL get strategic, create offerings, social media strategies, maybe create a podcast, heal… whatever you and your business need. 


YOU will get more connected to your purpose, love yourself more and gain confidence in your creations and offerings to amplify your magnetism


My intention is for you to leave the session activated, with clarity, focus, purpose, in love with your self & your business and on fire. We then have the VOXER sessions to ground and integrate the alchemy that happened.

Shamanic coaching for entrepreneurs

Activate the Special Founders Rate, which is limited to the next 33 soulpreneurs to invest, of £333. (The price will then increase to £444). You will receive...


✨A 90 minute intensive session of channelled psychic & strategic guidance.

✨Prior to our session, I pull some cards to do a soul and business tarot reading & channel whatever needs to come through for you, so we can save time, cut the fluff and start where we need to.

✨Current BONUS of 2 days VOXER support to integrate the alchemy. (Valued at £222)

✨Align your energy & strategy in your business to collapse timelines, with my shamanic, psychic & healing gifts

✨You will also receive the opportunity to access a coupon to take £333 off a longer term coaching plan with me. 

Single Session - Pay In Full


  • A 90 minute minute intensive session of channelled psychic & strategic guidance.

  •  Prior to our session, I pull some cards to do a soul and business tarot reading & channel whatever needs to come through for you, so we can save time, cut the fluff and start where we need to.

  •  Current BONUS of 2 days VOXER support to integrate the alchemy. (Valued at £222)


Single Session - Payment Plan

2 x £167

  • A 90 minute minute intensive session of channelled psychic & strategic guidance.

  •  Prior to our session, I pull some cards to do a soul and business tarot reading & channel whatever needs to come through for you, so we can save time, cut the fluff and start where we need to.

  •  Current BONUS of 2 days VOXER support to integrate the alchemy. (Valued at £222)


Why Work With Me?

Having cancer twice in my 30’s helped me decide to dedicate myself to constantly moving past fear towards my souls growth, I chose to express my dharma through my business. So, I developed a system for myself to keep evolving so that I will never fall into stagnation, so that I won’t ever feel like I am wasting this precious life, energy, and talents that my soul has been gifted with. 


As well as begin deeply spiritual, I am deeply practical, I love ACTION. A shaman has one foot in the 5D and one foot in the 3D at all times. So, for my clients, I combined my 20 plus years of being an entrepreneur, shamanic and spiritual practitioner and teacher, psychic and training in human design, dharma, life and business coaching to curate BEYOND. A container to allow my clients to have a tailor made experience. 


My journey was to be a shadow chaser, to transmute or walk with what was holding me back, to constantly connect in with my future timelines, to choose which earth to walk and to commit with full believe in myself, my powers and my dharma, to completely have my own back and trust myself so that I can hold space for my clients to do the same. 

Shamanic coaching for entrepreneurs

“I have walked the path of dharma and healing that you feel the call to walk now.”


My dharma is to help the change makers, the heart led CEO’s, the soul-led entrepreneurs reach the pinnacle of their dreams for their business so that they can make the impact on the collective that they are here for. 


I had a 'Business Soul 12 Month Ahead Reading' from Karen at the start of the year and I have just relistened to it again (I have listened multiple times) and as the months go by I'm like WOW yeeees.

So many things are fitting into the puzzle now and particularly as I'm at the half way mark of the year ahead reading its so funny to see what was predicted or an option that she channelled through for me..... the relocation piece, the retreat outside in June (I literally am going on a retreat in 2 days outside in beautiful Portugal with 300 other soulpreneur leaders) and really the reading is so apt for this time in my life.

I would highly recommend a reading with Karen or any of her offerings to be honest, she is so so so gifted and intuitive!

I also did the 3 month human design coaching with her last summer and boy did she support me in my life and business.

AND she attuned me to my Reiki master teacher level.

She is a true wayshower in this time.

You won't regret working with her, in fact you'll be raving about her 🥰

With Love,

Cathy ~ Psychic Intuitive Mentor