I know that you are so ready to be free, to decondition and deeply trust yourself and your unique gifts and strengths, so that you can step into your visionary, authentic and magnetic leadership in your soul-led business, and be more visible in your industry. 


And, have a clear pathway for the next level of your business. Whilst having the space to stabilise, enjoy your success and create consistency.


You want your business to feel like a deep exhalation. You are not here anymore for the hustle culture. It's time to realign to build your business in your own expansive unique way.

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To keep the energy of expansion in your business, with soul level alignment and a deep sense of peace, you will be called upon to illuminate your shadows, to walk with them, or transmute them. To own and honour your uniqueness and shine so that your soul clients can find you and your magic. 


Whatever level you have achieved in your business, there is always the possibility for more, and right now, you can feel that there is more, but you can’t seem to collapse those timelines that you know are there, waiting for you.


You know that it is time to keep choosing to expand into your future self and grow the business free of judgement, fear and doubt, the business that your soul contracted to ground into the world. 

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The thing is ...

Despite getting to this level in your business, all your heart, your passion and efforts, your social media following, email list and business are in a state of stagnation.


You have this worry that you can’t hold it all, it feels like you are juggling too much, you are holding onto clients that aren’t aligned to you anymore.


If only you could have the trust, clarity and belief to let go of what no longer serves you, so that you have the space to call in your next level clients, for your next level income. 

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Along the way, you have got lost in following the successful 7 figure coaches strategy, your past coaches, mentors and peers. You are following the strategy of others, NOT, yours. This causes you to feel frustrated, unfocused, lost, and like you have no clear direction on what to work on next. You feel invisible, are losing motivation, and tired.


It is time as a visionary leader to shake off what you have been taught and connect into the soul remembrance of your power and what you are here for. To step up and take your leadership to the next level, which as a side effect uplevels the collective consciousness, will grow your business and make more income.

Book Your Foundation Reading



I understand what it is like to-

Feel so lost, to not trust myself and doubt every decision I make and worst of all, downplay and not honour my own gifts.


Being so out of alignment, I could not see which path to walk, and I was just throwing offers out like spaghetti at the wall, from a place of scarcity. I felt so frustrated and was on the road to burn out. 


I caught myself, I invested in myself and began to decondition, to unwind the untruths and limits that were holding me back. To learn about and honour my gifts, to reclaim my power to make aligned decisions, to honour my uniqueness and use it to shine. 


I offer a truly bespoke experience. I use my human design knowledge combined with my psychic ability to see you, to feel your chart, and see where you can tweak your energetic and strategic alignment to go to whatever your next level is.


We go beyond the script of traditional human design, we get into practical application, energy and strategy, whilst teaching you how to keep coming back to deep alignment with your authentic self, so that you are fully embodied and can access and collapse your potential timelines.


My client Rachel came to me as a powerhouse mani-gen to work 1-1, she had received a few human design readings before but didn’t resonate with what she was told, she was blown away, she had so many a-has’s began applying her strategy & authority correctly & her business went from a monthly income stagnation of $40k to an accelerated growth of an $80k month, whilst feeling calmer, more confident & safer.

In a Soul Blueprint Reading we follow this process, and take the first step of your next level alignment:

  1. You bring the main goal, or problem in your business, the one thing that either inspires you, or frustrates you, as a focus so that I can tune in before our session, to channel some information through for that reason that you were drawn to have a reading. We can get straight to the point, cut through all the fluff and have the most effective truthful session.

  2. We will go through your Core Human Design Blueprint, guided by my psychic nudges to the most important parts that would be next level for you to embody and the shadows which could hold you back as you progress to that next level, the same patterns stored in your chart will play out. I will call out a deeper level of your superpowers, your heart, your shadows, with a deep compassion that helps you fall in love with yourself, those parts that are hiding in your blindspots. When you do, doubt and lack of trust fall away, so that they can be replaced with unapologetic confidence, owning and honouring your strengths so that you are able to be visible to your next level soul clients. 

  3. You will learn how to use your natural energetic aura to attract clients with ease, learn how to work more efficiently and lose the hustle culture and being in your head once and for all. 

  4. You will understand how to make aligned decisions so that those things that felt too risky now just feel exciting as you dare to keep stepping into your expansive and magnetic future self time and time again. These codes are for life.

  5. This will be another step of your deconditioning journey. You started deconditioning and the path to freedom when you chose to begin your business. But, we fall into strategies and boxes as we grow. It is natural. This reading will enable you to keep stepping  out of any boxes, limits, or cookie cutter approaches that you find yourself in.That restrict you. Experimenting with the wisdom you gain in this reading, will empower you to get out of these ways with speed, so that you can grow your business aligned and in an energy of expansion and possibility. 

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Having a Human Design Reading with me is a unique experience. Combining my coaching skills, healing modalities and psychic skills, the reading is more like an activation to help you step into the you that you came here to be. 


Whats included:

I tap in before to psychically to feel into the issue that you would like to look at in our time together.

A 90 minute zoom call and recording to introduce you to the power and gifts that lay inside of you. I will hold the space to coach through anything that comes up. You will be seen like never before.


30 plus bespoke blueprint


Book Your Human Design Codes & Business Mastery Reading



I am a wayshower, my dharma is to guide you back to your souls gifts and power that you were given in this lifetime, your souls purpose. I am here to initiate deeper healing, for you to access the energy and confidence within to step out of the shadows and into your gifts, unapologetically and magnetise your desires in life and business to you.

HD is one of my tools, it illuminates the blueprint of your soul for you to keep remembering your brilliance when you have forgotten. 

I have the tools and the psychic and coaching gifts and talents to guide you into your fullest expression if you choose to take your souls evolution to the next iteration. You can learn more below.


Coaches, would you like Human Design Reading weaving into your programs and high level packages? I love collaborating and supporting coaches who love human design but don't have the space to go deep into learning how to read a chart. Whatever your clients are working with, I can help you enhance their transition. Contact me HERE and we can have a chat about the possibilities. 




Karen, thank you so much for your Human Design reading. It was really insightful and I loved learning more about myself and what my chart means. You explained it in such a beautifully personal way - it was obvious that you took time before my reading to study my chart and describe what it means for me - areas of strength and also challenges/shadow.

I loved that you recorded the session so I can go back anytime to watch again - I feel I will be doing this lots! I was drawn to learning more about Human Design and came across you on social media. I loved your introduction videos to Human Design generally - you explain everything so clearly and it was super easy to follow.

The foundation chart reading went into lots of depth and gave me more information than I was expecting. The Blueprint was a great back up to the information you shared in the reading.

Thank you again for helping me understand more about me and learning more about Human Design too.

-Catherine Bowyer Life & Corporate Coach 


Amelia Adrian

"The human design reading gave me permission to be myself. The session I had with you, felt like an energy healing , not just a delivery of information."

Why is having a reading with me different?

I have years of experience as a shamanic practitioner, healer, yoga teacher, life, spiritual and business coaching and am a certified Human Design Reader.

When I look at your chart, I can feel it, I get intuitive hits, and when we work together, I can feel into the aspects of you that you can't see, I can see that areas ready for healing and moving past. I can see the limits that you out around yourself. 

I break down your human design so that you can get to know your design a bit at a time and really embody it, really live it so that you can step into your power and make the changes and work towards the things that light you up.