4 things to do when you are feeling exhausted ...

emotions essential oils meditation rest tired wellness yinyoga yoga yogateacher Nov 25, 2020

As I am writing this, we are getting to the end of November 2020, if you are reading this in the future...I am in the UK and we are in the 2nd lockdown during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

This week, it feels like my energy has been sucked out of me, my battery is drained. I feel content, happy, all good emotionally, but just tired. 

My question to you, do you allow yourself to feel tired? Do you keep going? I used to. I used to push and push and push. 

I have learnt now, if I don't look after my energy, I get serious health problems and have to be looked after. I choose to look after myself now.

I choose to be intensely aware of how my energy is and manage it myself. I choose to adult myself, to create beautiful rituals and practises that soothe my soul and keep me well and vital.

We are all light, we are all whole, sometimes, when we slip out of alignment we don't feel it. It Is my life work to keep myself connected as much as I can and to help other beautiful souls to do the same, in their unique way. 

Here are some practises for you...

STEP ONE: I top up your kidney chi up, when the kidney chi is depleted, our energy is depleted. 

Apply essential oils to support your Kidney Chi. I work with YIN YOGA and also with Essential Oils on Aromapoints to keep the chi balanced. 

The Essential Oils I recommend for keeping kidney chi topped up are (please note I only advocate for dotERRA oils due to their purity and the way they operate in the world- I get people access to oils, DM me if that is something you are interested in):-



-Aromatouch (a doTERRA Blend)

I have set sequences that I do for this. The video above shows me applying Cedarwood to Kidney 1 for 1-3 minutes with a light touch, to draw the kidney chi down and ground it. 

STEP TWO: Stop the sweaty physical exercises for a few days and drop in completely to Yin, pranayama and Meditation practises. These practises can act like energy chargers, they give you superpowers of vitality. to help you feel vital. 

STEP THREE: Tell people around you, I'm not feeling great, I need to rest a bit more. We must  give ourselves the space to rest

STEP FOUR: Reflect on why you might be feeling like this, what can you do to help yourself - WITH NO JUDGEMENT. This is a way to learn, so that you can keep more vital, more steady, and when you are,  you can show up for ourselves and those around us . 

This is my reflections today...

ANALYSIS 1 : Well, we are in the 8th month of a global pandemic, where I feel like my freedom is restricted. This is my number one value. I crave it in every area of my life, the freedom to choose. 

SOLUTION: I cannot change the pandemic, all I can do is feel free in my head, that means turning to all the spiritual  practises I love more, reading yogic philosophy, yoga, yin yoga, meditation, pranayama. True freedom starts within.

ANALYSIS 2: I chose to close my bricks and mortar Yoga Studio in March and have spent from then until now, working long hours studying, and creating aligned ways to show up on-line, and teach well. Only my husband knows how much time, effort, love and mental capacity I have been putting into this. When we are in the head and creating a lot, it  weakens the kidney chi, there is too much heat when we create constantly. 

SOLUTION 2: I used to have weekly acupuncture for this problem, I have a tendency to do this as I love what I do! Find a new acupuncturist and book regular appointments. 

ANALYSIS 3: I have worked more evenings than I did before lockdown and have had less time off. 

SOLUTION 3: Schedule some breaks. Even if I can't go anywhere, I will need some more pauses. 

There are more things going off, but you get the idea , you can see the flow and you can see I am noticing, I know my tendency to push, to get all absorbed, I do rest, but at the moment the balance is off. I catch myself and I reset. 

Have a go at this, I would love to know how it goes. 

Sending lots of restful love Karen xxx

P.S If you would like to try a YIN YOGA class with me I teach on-line every Thursday evening 7-8pm you can learn more and book on HERE. Or click the yoga image in the sidebar.




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