Would you love clarity from the universe to know that you are on the right path in your business? So that you can stop the ideas that are constantly spinning around your head, by taking action and grounding them?
Book Your ReadingCoaches, healers changemakers, I see you, with great ideas that are needed, but you don't quite believe in yourself YET.
To take that next step, you need self trust, I know it would help to get a hell yes from the universe and your spirit team.
A channelled reading with integrated coaching by me, would help you to cut through the fluff that is holding you back, and reaffirm unequivocally that you are on the right track, so that you can take action and grow your business.
You are here, heart and soul-led entrepreneur, because you have chosen to bravely live your souls purpose and full creative expression through your business, your innate magnetism and fully honouring and utilising your superpowers and embodied life experience.
You are here to birth your creations in to the world, no-one else can do it like you.
The problem is that when you don’t trust your ideas, or believe in yourself, they feel too risky to take action towards. These ideas are the ones that will take your business and your clients to the next level, you need that trust so that you can take that leap.
Without that trust, you feel unsure, frustrated, stuck and lost. You just want someone to just wave a wand so that you can clearly see the right path for your next steps. If only you could have a meeting with your spirit team to help you get that clarity.
You shouldn’t have to abandon your income, business, soul clients and next level ideas because of fear, lack of trust and clarity.
Book Your ReadingI understand how it feels to be lost in all the ideas constantly spinning around my head, it was exhausting, feeling scared of owning that next level offering, having no clue what step to take next, feeling like I was totally stagnant. Over and Over.
This is why, I took the leap and for the last three years have owned my psychic skills that I have been tapping into for the past 20 years. I decided to stop keeping this all to myself and now share that I have the ability to link directly with your spirit team to bring the messages through to hold the space for your belief until you can hold it for yourself.

The process that I use to help you gain clarity:
We open up the VOXER space, so that I can learn what questions you would like answering.
I tune in, to do your readings, by meditating and then connecting with your spirit team to channel through what your soul needs to know at this time.
We get on a zoom call for me to feed back to you and hold the space to coach you through any shadows that arise, any timeline potentials, so that you can leave the session clear, full of belief and ready to create. The VOXER space will be open for 3 days after the reading as I sometimes get further downloads, and there might be some burning questions that you have.
I have chosen to channel for 4 months at a time, as the energy is really clear for a shorter time frame and life changes so much. The 4 month readings are super accurate and give you some actionable steps to take each quarter.
- Pre-Reading VOXER chat, so that we can get clear on your wishes for this experience.
- 4 x Card Readings to channel through your spirit team guided plan. I do this alone after a meditation as I channel in addition to reading your cards.
- Soul Whispers Reading , to connect with where your energy is at this present time
- Business Reading, to channel through the next best ideas, offerings and how you can serve your soul client
- The next 4 months ahead Reading, looking at the themes and business actions to take
- An overall Oracle Card Reading for this time period, which is always so profound.
- 1 hour coaching call, to pass on the messages and hold the space for you to move into belief, and we will also set actionable steps, with recording so that you can keep coming back to as you take action and plan your next steps.
3 days post-reading VOXER support
£177 - Please note that to celebrate the relaunch of this offering, there are 10 founders spaces with 20% off, apply code 'SPIRITANDSOUL' at checkout.
"I don’t believe in just connecting in and channelling for you, without action. Your ideas need to be grounded. "
You can book your next quarter business reading with me below, and activate your special bonus. So that you can stop spinning your wheels in your business, feeling stagnated and frustrated.
It is time for you to feel seen, supported and have an aligned actionable plan to move towards expansion in the next quarter in your business and increase your impact.
I had a 'Business Soul 12 Month Ahead Reading' from Karen at the start of the year and I have just re-listened to it again (I have listened multiple times) and as the months go by I'm like WOW yeeees.
So many things are fitting into the puzzle now and particularly as I'm at the half way mark of the year ahead reading its so funny to see what was predicted or an option that she channelled through for me..... the relocation piece, the retreat outside in June (I literally am going on a retreat in 2 days outside in beautiful Portugal with 300 other soulpreneur leaders) and really the reading is so apt for this time in my life.
I would highly recommend a reading with Karen or any of her offerings to be honest, she is so so so gifted and intuitive!
I also did the 3 month human design coaching with her last summer and boy did she support me in my life and business.
AND she attuned me to my Reiki master teacher level.
She is a true wayshower in this time.
You won't regret working with her, in fact you'll be raving about her 🥰
With Love,
Cathy ~ Psychic Intuitive Mentor

Why me…
I have trained in western coaching, in different disciplines of eastern spirituality, teaching & healing for over 20 years. I have such a wide range of varied experiences and embodiment in many disciplines, and I believe lifetimes, wisdom and deep intuition. I hold such a sacred and holistic space for you to grow into the fullest expression of you.
I am a trained and certified coach, I completed the first round of Sahara Rose's Dharma Coaching Institute, specialising in dharma, spiritual life purpose coaching, I am trained in traditional life coaching, and I did a Danielle La Porte Desire Map Facilitator training.
I am also a certified human design reader and weave your unique codes, superpowers and gifts into the coaching.
I am a intuitive psychic medium, I can see, I can feel to go deep and coach you on another level.
I am a healer (trained in reiki/shamanic practises/soul retrieval/cacao ceremonies and essential oil aromapoint, EFT)
I am an author, a thought leader and a truth speaker
I am breast cancer survivor x 2, I have learnt how to live and heal myself and I have deep empathy and compassion and know when to get strict and when to hold space
I am a teacher, specialising in yoga and somatic
I decided to live life to embody all the knowledge I absorb and embody it
I am a creative so I love to weave beauty into my creations to give you an experience and fall in love with your own uniqueness.
I combine all of this, you get an immersive complete spiritual and practical transformative experience. Years of my study and practical embodiment of devotion to my own dharma.
I also deeply trust myself, I have fallen in love with my own uniqueness, I quantum leap fearlessly into my own dharma after many years of playing small. I trust my space holding, my teaching, my healing and coaching abilities - deeply. I live aligned to my human design and trust the universe has me and you if you allow yourself the space to let go and fall into your future self.